Monday, December 21, 2009

8 naked guys in a bathroom is funny, right?

This weekend I took some quick group shots for a local group of comedians called Comedians You Should Know. They have a block of shows scheduled at the Lakeshore Theatre, a Chicago haven for stand-up comedy with other upcoming shows including Sandra Bernhard, Brian Posehn, Jim Jeffries and more.

If I remember right, the last show I saw at the Lakeshore Theatre was a burlesque show. However, it was not that random factoid floating in my head during the photo shoot that inspired the photo of the Comedians You Should Know half-naked in the bathroom. The pervert with that idea was Michael Sanchez, a member of the group and featured in the photo with the red towel on his head giving another member a shoulder massage. (And he's not actually a pervert- sorry, Michael.)

He said, "I don't know, I really like the idea of a photo of us all half-naked and like getting ready for a show in a bathroom- 8 half-naked guys with chest hair in one small bathroom is funny, right?" I think it is. I was laughing, Michael.

The second shot of the members' heads stacked onto a table was my brainchild. Mostly because we didn't have much space for a group shot and I wanted to keep it small and easy to take... I think it turned out well and was worth the scrunched shoulders and aching backs after scrunching in that tightly for a few minutes.

If this group didn't know each other well before this photo shoot, they sure are well-acquainted with each other now.